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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Speak Truth : What Makes a Whore a Whore Discussion

A Whore:
a whore is defined by each individual's opinion. Today if You ask an old timer, they would say today, the world is full if them. As a Young Person I'd agree. However whorism, if you will,Lol,  is open to interpretation. Some would say Girls over a certain max of body count is a whore.  Some call women who openly sleep around frequently a whore. Some suggest that if its with the same people...its merely recycling. Some Girls may never have a known body around the way, or on campus but if they conduct themselves as party animals and very intimate with friends... they will be labeled by males as whores.   If a woman is sexually advanced lol or aggressive...  Males can consider that as Pure Whorism. Some woman can be flat out whores and love it. Its a catch 22 subject because some women can do everything they want, and be merely classified as real.  
Can a Whore find Love?
Yes they  certainly can. All Men want is for you women to keep it real.  If you were a whore in the past state that fact from the beginning. If He still chooses to be with you, than its on him and you know its real.  However, it is worst to create a fantasy of lies.  Don't try to act classy all of a sudden tho. That's being fake. Nothing turns off a male more than being a fake girl.  Why LIE?? Men love #REALNESS and that extra "freakness" that comes with being a whore is very handy!!! LOL So do not Mislead, Just keep it G. It'll Work out better.  

Out of Luck:1. If you let a boy get in them pants the first meeting, You gonna have your work cut out trying to win him.  2. If you did make a man look like a fool... Tough break. 3. Sexually encountered someone in the circle, Forget about about it. Whore is stamped on Your Forehead.

Whorism is up to interpretation but does not give a right for anyone to judge a person or their relationship  guys.  Lets say that girl is over her limit in body count but what if she gave her heart away everytime.  What if a girl doesn't value her body or sex because she was raped at a young age. What about that girl who can't sense intimacy because her father is never around.You never know what a person went through.  As Males in this Generation maybe we should step it up a notch in fatherhood so that the next generation isn't craving for attention so bad.  We should instill Confidence in our next generation of young ladies. Then they will not seek the approval of boys. Then that young will be able to determine who to give her heart to accurately. Any boy can make a daughter, but it takes a MAN to raise her.

Im Khaleef Smith and Im Out! 
Give Opinion below.

Women: Chasing Mr.Wrong! Why   do good girl like bad guys? ladies we all have ask ourselves that question at one point, we claim were sick and tired of getting treated badly yet we ignore the ones who adore us and chase Mr, Wrong. I believe you get what you settle for, its that simple. Why complain about the mess up relationship your in when you have the power to change things. There are plenty females who compromise happiness for the wrong men and don't realize it until its to late. Don't let that one bad guy taint your imagine of Mr perfect, because at the end of the day all guys are not the same, don't let that one guy who done you wrong change your mind about that. I know how hard it is to leave Mr wrong alone because he is the one that makes you feel so right, but at what cost, why settle for temporary happiness. It hard to just leave because love is very hardheaded but if you love yourself you would want better regardless. Like I always say its better to want a man than to need one..

"A limited love wants to possess the beloved being , but he whose self is a cast ocean only seeks his own shores"

"Love is friendship set on fire"

"You're searching so hard you lost yourself"

Im... S.Nicole

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